We want to create a space that is safe and inclusive to everyone. To do this, we ask our members to follow a few simple forum rules:
Treat other members with respect. It's ok to disagree with each other, but we don't need arguing or insults.
Understand that we are all different and each experience the world in our own way.
Please do not share any personal information about members on other sites, forums or social media.
Respect the work of others. If other members post creative work (writing, art, photography etc), please respect the copyright ownership of that work and do not share it elsewhere unless you are given explicit permission from the owner.
No illegal activities. Don't post messages that promote or facilitate illegal activities.
Follow any additional rules specific to the forum category you are using.
Disclaimer: The owners and administrators of this forum are not professionally or medically trained in counselling, psychology, or mental health support. The information shared on this forum is intended for educational or informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment. Any content posted by forum users does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the forum owners or administrators. We strongly recommend that you seek professional advice or treatment if you have any concerns about your mental health or wellbeing. By using this forum, you acknowledge and agree that the forum owners and administrators are not liable for any damages or harm arising from the use of this forum or any content posted on it.