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Forum Posts
ASW Staff
Aug 25, 2023
In General Discussion
Not the most interesting discussion topic, but I am pretty impressed with EE today. I was literally about to leave as I was paying double what I can get elsewhere on my current rolling contract. However, they matched on price, taking me down to half the monthly cost of what I'm currently paying. Win.
However, the best part (and what is more relevant) is how accessible and easy their new visual document process is. Rather than having to listen to the terms and conditions, they now provide a visual text based service where the documents are provided in a secure chat so you can read them whilst on the call. I'm not sure whether other networks are doing this, and it's been that long since I renewed my phone contract, so this is probably a bit of a 'Bryn' moment (Gavin and Stacey). But, for me that was a game changer. We need more services like this, so much easier for those of us who are neurodiverse. I honestly can't take in anything without some form of text aid.
Sorry again for such a boring topic!
ASW Staff
Aug 08, 2023
In General Discussion
Just a simple one this week guys...
Share something that makes you smile 😁
Could be words, a link to something funny or cool to read / watch, or something absolutely ridiculous.
There's a lot of heavy stuff in this world, so let's just share some lighter moments here to see us through the week.
I'll start. This is literally Tillie's face 99% of the time...
And, no explanations needed for this one...
And a link:
ASW Staff
Aug 01, 2023
In Hobbies and interests
Does anyone else here write poetry?
I know very little about the technicalities of it (similar to my approach to photography), but I enjoy it when the words come and I like reading other people's too.
Here is one I wrote at a craft fair that me and J did a little while back. I was completely out of my comfort zone, with no idea what I was doing, becoming quieter by the hour. Then, there was this incredible lady at the next stall just breezing it. It inspired me to write this from the confines of our tent, watching someone who was so close yet seemingly so different to our inner world.
I don't know if this resonates with you, but this is just how I feel as an introvert in an extrovert world.
Poem [The extrovert next door]
As I sit and watch their words,
Knowing how to talk,
Stalling passers-by's walk,
The extrovert next door does this with ease,
The introvert ends up in a freeze,
Muddled mind,
Words are wrong,
Awkward body language,
Picked the wrong song.
The extrovert next door,
Graces this floor,
The quiet ones here,
Sitting so near,
Yet worlds apart,
A different form of art.
Feel free to share anything you've written or poems you've enjoyed here ✍🏻
ASW Staff
Jul 31, 2023
In General Discussion
It might be the start of a gloomy Monday here in West Wales (just had to check I wasn't using the title of that song there), but the new week is here and I'm sure it will bring some positives with it, no matter how small they may seem. So...
What are you looking forward to this week?
Personally, I'm looking forward to the simple things - being able to get outdoors with the weather forecast to settle and planning some trips out with my boy.
ASW Staff
Jul 12, 2023
In General Discussion
To create, post and share so much content online?
I see so many posts across different platforms, some of whom post multiple times in a single hour?
I take my hat off, that amount of content creation is a lot. When I was using Twitter, I'd sometimes find myself posting a few times a day and even that was exhausting (..what to say, how to present it etc.). I'd come away feeling exhausted. Now I'm not there I don't know how I even found time to do that.
So just a general point really, how do they find time? 🤔
ASW Staff
Jul 07, 2023
In General Discussion
It's a wild one here in west Wales, but we're hoping to go to a local triathlon tomorrow (observing not participating 🤣).
What is everyone else doing? Anything nice planned?
ASW Staff
Jun 24, 2023
In General Discussion
Do you feel that social media is an introvert friendly place to be?
If so, what makes it work for you?
If not, what would you change?
(ICYMI, our latest article is now published on Psychreg - link below)
ASW Staff
Jun 22, 2023
In Reading List
Hi everyone,
Just sharing a new blog post I have written about social media and how it is affecting us all in some way.
Feel free to read and add your thoughts below.
L x
ASW Staff
Jun 20, 2023
In Suggestion box
Just wondering whether anyone would like to see a news category where we can discuss current events happening in the world?
I'm currently following the Titan story closely. I know on social any discussion around the news tends to be leapt on with debate, made a meme out of or used as an identity prop in some way. So just wondering whether a general news chat without this stuff would be something that people would be interested in?
ASW Staff
Jun 17, 2023
In Hobbies and interests
Has anyone been to any Comic-Con(s) or similar events? If so, how did you navigate it all and what to expect? Is disability access as it reads on the tin, any common issues etc.?
Not happening this year, but will almost certainly be on the cards in the future (preteen gamer son).
Asking for me and J as neither of us have a clue... may help others too 🤔
ASW Staff
Jun 17, 2023
In General Discussion
Or lack of, it's something that many of us struggle with for many different reasons.
How's everyone finding their sleep in this warmer weather? Are you doing ok, out like a log, or perhaps it's just not happening.. 😴
ASW Staff
Jun 14, 2023
In Hobbies and interests
...gets a lot of flack, but it's truly the best outlet for mine and J's well-being.
When we ride we forget about the world and its stresses. Being outdoors with the wind in your sails, taking on longer miles and more challenging climbs, along with seeing so many people and places pass by, it's amazing.
This article explains it well:

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